Join us September 26-28 for our annual Ladies Fall Retreat at Big Sky Bible Camp in beautiful Bigfork, MT! This is a wonderful opportunity to get away, encourage one another, and pursue a deeper relationship with God through the book of Colossians. Registration is $140 and covers lodging and all meals during the retreat.
“Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude.”
–Colossians 2:6-7
We’ll see you there!
The MHCC Women’s Ministry’s mission is to build a community of women within the church to help them enjoy a deeper walk with God while sharing in each other’s life journeys. Our vision is to to be there for each other, pray for each other, encourage each other, and disciple each other. The need is deep and eternal and unending: women reaching out to women today who will reach out to other women tomorrow.
There are many seasons that women experience in a lifetime. Each season has many changes, some of those very drastic, and each season has many mountains to climb and valleys to walk through. We believe that no woman should make that journey without the help, prayers, and encouragement of other women. After all, no one could survive doing it alone.
Future Events
The MHCC Women’s Ministry has events together on a regular basis. You can click below to stay in the loop about Women’s Ministry events!
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A short history of the MHCC Women’s Ministry
In 2015, the beginning of Women’s Ministry was as a result of a prophetic revelation to have a ministry to women with a plurality of leaders. The basic pattern of ministry came from the verses in Titus 2:3-5: older women encouraging younger women. The vision God gave was to encourage women from cradle to Glory.
They started meeting monthly called Refresh. From there, over the years, there have been innumerable things accomplished to try to see the vision come true. These included weekly bible studies, book studies like the one on empty nest life, small groups-some doing crafts, knitting & crocheting, a Fashion Tea, Spiritual gifts testing, special holiday dinners, Babe-Builders a camping retreat teaching self-defense and camping skills, four Pricilla Shirer simulcast events, five weekend retreats called Inspire, and so many more events to reach out to every woman and girl in the church.
Today three women work together to accomplish the Women’s Ministry’s mission: Lynn Stumberg, Joellen Barbagello, and Melissa Hayes.