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Resurrection: Why It Matters

The resurrection of Christ is the ultimate foundation of the Christian faith. As stated by the apostle Paul, if Christ has not been raised from the dead then our entire faith is worthless. In this week's sermon, Jeff Wald explains why Christ had to live, had to die, and had to be resurrected from the dead, and provides some evidence for the resurrection that believers can rely on.

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Our Ultimate Hope

What is the ultimate hope for believers? We hope for many things throughout our lives; revival, witnessing God moving in power, having a family, etc. Still, for believers, our ultimate hope is that of resurrection from the dead.

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Save The Date Part 4 – How To Fight Fair

MHCC Elder Tyler Redden shares some practical tips for navigating conflict within marriage. It’s not a sin to feel anger—unless we express it sinfully. The Bible tells us to “Be angry, yet without sinning” and to be “slow to speak, quick to listen.” Unhealthy couples fight dirty, to gain victory; but healthy couples fight fair, to gain resolution.

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Development Series, Part 2

MHCC’s values are Authenticity; generosity; commitment; development; and family. We are doing the work of making disciples. Proverbs 29:18, with expanded meanings of the words, says that “Where there is no prophetic vision (revelation of God and his word) the people cast off restraint (are discouraged, neglected, lacking [guidance], uncovered), but blessed (happy) is he who keeps the law (direction, instruction, wisdom, ways).” God told Adam and Eve to “be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28), and said he would make of Abraham a “great nation” (Genesis 12:2). It is God’s plan for us to multiply, not only physically but spiritually. In God, there is ALWAYS more. But in order to grow, we must believe this. We are called to love and serve one another in freedom.

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Develpoment Series, Part 1 – The Value of Vision

What are we doing? We’re made not to just get saved and wait for Jesus, but to bear fruit – to pursue vision and growth, and to make many disciples. Development of vision is one of MHCC’s core values. Do we have vision? Do we listen and respond when God gives it? Or do we believe the lie that God’s plan is so big, it doesn’t really matter what I do? God has promised that HIS vision will come to pass. Are you asking him where you fit in—how you can be an active part of it?

Mount Helena Community Church
Mount Helena Community Church
Develpoment Series, Part 1 - The Value of Vision