welcome to

Mount Helena Community Church

Does God know what I’m going through? Does He see me? Does He have something to say about my situation? How do I know what He’s saying? If you’ve ever thought about these questions, you aren’t alone. The good news is that God cares about you, and He wants to speak to you right where you are.

We invite you to join us this February for a new series called Hearing God where we’ll look at the incredible ways God communicates with us.

In addition to attending this series, we recommend that you join a small group to dig deeper into the topic and create closer connections with others starting February 2nd.  


Small groups are the best way to connect with others and build lasting relationships at MHCC. MHCC is offering a number of  topical and relational groups this Spring.  Our Small Group Menu will be available in a few weeks! We are now accepting MHCC group leader applications below.



At Mount Helena Community Church, we believe in the life-changing power of prayer. We desire to pray for the needs of others and see God miraculously answer prayer. Because of this we have a dedicated team available to pray with you every Sunday in our auditorium after the service.

You can also fill out a prayer request below so that our team can pray for you throughout the week.

Interested in serving others through prayer? Click below to let us know and get connected with other prayer team members here at MHCC.